Moscow – September 22-26, 2014
International Youth Scientific School
"Molecular and Cellular Origin of Early Evolution of Life"
22-26 September, 2014, Moscow
The youth school «Molecular and cellular basis of the early evolution of life» (September 22-26, 2014., Moscow) invites students, post-graduate students and young scientists (younger than 35) who are interested in the origin
of life on Earth and the mechanisms of the evolution of living matter.
In order to take part in the school, participants must register via this link.
The registration deadline is September 10, 2014. The abstract submission deadline is August 15, 2014. The school is free for all students and scientists younger than 35.
Registration confirmation for participants will take place on September 22, 2014 in the conference hall of the Bach Institute of Biochemistry (Leninsky ave., 33, bldg. 2, 3rd floor). Lectures, a poster
session and discussions on September 22 and 23 will take place in the same venue. The September 22 and 23 sessions will be conducted in Russian and aim to introduce the listeners to the issues of the origins of life and early
evolution in a popular and easily accessible manner.
The September 24 to 26 sessions will all take place in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Leninsky ave., 32А). The sessions will be conducted in English and will feature lectures for leading researchers
in their respective fields. No simultaneous translation will be available.
The complete scientific program will be available via this link.
The Organizers invite participants to present the results of their research in poster sessions. This requires submission of abstracts which will be published after review. Authors will be informed of acceptance by the organizers.
The deadline for abstract submission is August 15, 2014. The poster session will be held on September 23, 2014 in the A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry. Posters for the presentation should be 117х82 cm (WхH - horizontal orientation).
Abstracts should be limited to approximately 500 words (2500 - 3000 characters) and will be accepted and published only in English. Font – Times New Roman. File format – .doc, .docx or .rtf. A template for abstract layout is
provided via this link. Abstracts should be e-mailed as an attachment with a subject field containing your full name and the words “Abstract Oparin-2014”. Please send to or
Example of abstract structure:
Name of the author(s)
Affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, contact phone number
Abstract of the Presentation
[<500 words, no figures or tables]
Acknowledgments (if any)
References (if any)
[1] M. M. Somebody, X. X. Anybody, OLEB year, Vol, first page.
[2] N. N. Smith and B. B. Tower, Chapter Name, in Book Name, ed. A. Lewis and P. Peters, Plenum Press, City, Year, pp. 1–21.
[3] R. V. Bensasson, E. J. Land and T. G. Truscott, Excited States and Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 201–227.
The organizers will arrange for low-cost accommodation in a dormitory or hostel-like environment (up to 1500 rub/night per person) which will be located near the event venue. There is also a selection of hotels near the event venue:
Sputnik (4850 rub/night,, Akademicheskaya (7200 rub/night,,
Korston (8000 rub/night, All the hotel prices are for single rooms.
Be sure to notify the organizers of your need for accommodation in the appropriate field of the registration form.
Coffee breaks will be organized for all participants of the school. During the sessions on September 22 and 23, lunch is available in a cafeteria which is located 5 minutes walk from the conference venue. During the September 24-26 sessions,
the cafeteria of the RAS Presidium will be available. Also, there is variety of inexpensive cafes near the Leninskiy ave. metro station.